I had the pleasure of having some time this weekend to scour some wool for
Necia so she can spin it up for stranded mittens. I figured that this was a good a time as any to take pics and post a tutorial for my scouring method. I like my method because even though you can only scour small batches (think 12 oz) it works well and you don't ruin the washing machine or dirty the tub beyond recognition. I would like to note that if you can't get your tap water hot enough it really makes it easy on your self to keep a pot of water at a low simmer through the process to add a bit of boiling water to the bath. I'm also assuming that you have picked all the large bits of
VM out of the fleece, because that's what I do, though I think you could use this method if you haven't picked out the bit first.
Scouring Wool
You will need the following items
1. A large stock pot
2. Dirty dirty dirty fleece (seriously this guy was skirted but smells like an old urinal)
3. A sieve or colander
4. A towel
5. Powdered laundry soap (not pictured)

Lets get a closer look at the dirty fleece

Step 1First run some cold water into the pot

Then place the fleece into the pot

Push the fleece down using the sieve or colander. And let sit for 10-20 minutes.
Use the sieve/colander to lift the wool out of the pot

(Please ignore the blue, I figured since I was washing for
Necia I could clean some dyed merino too :)
Your water should look like this (or worse)

Empty the cold water and give the pot a quick rinse.
Step 2Get your detergent and take 1/2 a scoop and put into the pot

Add hot (as hot as you can get) water to the pot with the soap.

If your water isn't hot enough this would be the point where you would add a few cups of the simmering water you have on the stove to the tap water you have in the pot.
Add the fleece back to the pot of hot soapy water and cover with the lid.

The lid helps the water stay hot. Leave the fleece in the hot water for 15 minutes. Do not leave it in too long or the water will cool down and the lanolin will redeposit itself on the wool, making your efforts null.
Scoop out the fleece from the hot soapy water

Drain the pot and rinse, repeat
Step 2 one to two more times with the detergent, and then without the detergent until the water looks clear when the fleece is taken out
Step 3When the water looks clear after a washing the fleece is clean. Lift the fleece out of the water and allow to drip dry in the sieve for an hour or two

Once all the excess water has dripped out place the fleece on a towel

Start to roll the fleece in the towel gently squeezing to remove excess water

Now the fleece should be comfortable in a nice towel burrito

Find a nice dry spot (outside or in) and lay the fleece out an a different towel to finish drying

Want to see a side by side before and after?

It looks like a totally different animal.
I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you have any questions. Fleece cleaning is not a daunting as it may seem.
You what's more difficult then cleaning a fleece? Cleaning a dog!

Seriously at least the fleece doesn't struggle with you and look at you with sad dog eyes as if saying "why are you doing this to me? I do not like this thing you are doing!"

And yes that is the fleece in the pot sitting next to the dog I bathed them together. So I would only have to clean the tub once (I'm so lazy/smart)